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Party Drops
Cea 12:15 AM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)

Group: Not a Stupid Title
Posts: 850
Total: 1990
The party leader should have an option to have their party have different drop settings. Have it so each drop is randomly given to the party (item by item even, so a chest with 4 items will randomly be given to the party), have it as it is now (free for all), or have it systemically hand the item out on a system, person by person.

Yeah, I stole this from Neo Steam. But honestly it's something we should have had for a long time now!

A good player knows how to play his class. An elitist knows how to play everyone else's class.
Magnus Sforzando 12:27 AM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)

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Personaly it sounds like a good idea to me. It beats one person getting all the drops all the time and not sharing.

deanbad 1:11 AM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)

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Yeah only this isn't WoW and you're not partying with random people you don't know all the time. I never have a problem splitting party drops.

"Take this shipment of supplies to Gillian, and try not to murder anyone's parents along the way, alright?"
Cea 1:16 AM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)

Group: Not a Stupid Title
Posts: 850
Total: 1990
Oh God Dean. You also never play so you wouldn't have a problem.

Besides you can tell you're just grudging me from your first sentence. You don't party with people you don't know? Then you're too self centered. If you play a newbie you are BOUND to party with people you don't know. I party with random people all the time. Not only that but sitting down and sorting through all the drops you get in a training session NEVER happens. Sure, you might party with some people kind enough to give a champ drop, but in the end mages always end up short because they never reach drops.

I've played Mage and Melee and let me tell you I am full inventory always at the end of training as a melee. I don't count and split my drops up. And I party with people I would consider friends outside of FFO even.

Your whole grudging and "I'm-better-than-everyone" attitude is fine if it doesn't interfere with actual progress of the game (then again, doesn't it always?)

I don't even know what to say. I am not at all amazed by your post because it is no surprise to me you'd post something like this.

And of course your reply will be "it's nothing like that get over yourself"

: - ) nothing new :- )

A good player knows how to play his class. An elitist knows how to play everyone else's class.
Hazedreamfreysaraboy 1:20 AM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)

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Everyone in FFO didn't magically pair up before they played, a lot of people came here friendless and just searched out for people to form pacts with. Thus, a lot of people will be partying with people they either don't know, or don't know well. A party drop system would be superb, and should be very important to add, that way people can finally hunt in those large parties and be able to finally get the mages or less champ-jumpy people some items.


Huckey168 (ffo): Your a idiot beyong all imagining.
Draven 3:37 AM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)

Group: Draaaaaaaaaaaaaven
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I could see this idea going a long way for Terulia. I've seen it work quite well in other games, with a free-for-all system for people who don't give a damn (highbies helping newbies level for the hell of it, for example), random choice for people wanting a fair shot, or whoever deals the most damage to the mob as getting the first shot.

Thing is, that wasn't the end-all. After around 30-60 seconds, the drops would instantly become free-for-all, so that anyone can get the items if the one who should have gotten them doesn't want em.

Grameramera 7:15 AM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)
Group: Best Pony
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slows down the game

does anyone REALLY want to wait 30-60s to claim that small dagger of ease?
or popups in the middle of battle any time anyone picks up anything?

also adds another mode of griefing

The game shouldn't have to hold people's hands.
This is something players should be able to manage on their own.

ScouSin: Damn you Gaku! Damn you and your; "Be patient, and if you don't want to, tough, because I'm going to be all mystical about it!"
KingBlax: It's telling you to go outside, with no flash-light in the woods, and find a dead body, you eat dinner if you find 1. You die in the wilderness if you don't find 1 or at least bring something interesting back.
./personal_problem.sh -q > /dev/null 2>&1 &
deanbad 9:50 AM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)

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Sorry guys, that's just Cea jamming words in my mouth again.

9/10 times if you're anywhere with worthwhile drops, it's not gonna be with Average Joe newbies that you don't know.

I do party with people I don't know, but it's usually to give them a helping hand in NB or Argo.

It's not hard to keep track of drops and you don't have to sit down and sort through them. Know why? Damn right you do. It's because THERE ARE NOT THAT MANY WORTHWHILE DROPS BRAH.

Typical training party scenario:
-Kill mobs
-Kill mobs
-Champ! Rush teh Champ! OR Champ! Continue as normal!
-Someone Grabs Champ Drops
-Party: "sux" OR ooh, can I have that? "Sure"
-Kill mobs
-Kill mobs

You're not even "trolling" so to speak, it's just weak ass flame-baiting. I can't even take it seriously because whenever I read your bullshit, I always hear that funny little lispthhhh thilly.

"Take this shipment of supplies to Gillian, and try not to murder anyone's parents along the way, alright?"
Lumino 11:07 AM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)

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If I may, Cea.

Dean is very much correct. I have never had a problem getting a decent drop when I played on Abra. I'd ask for it, and I'd usually get it. If it was something particularly good, I might have to outbid a party member, but very rarely did it degrade to 'Sucks for you!' or violence.

Oh and let's not forget....

Dana: Crap, I need 3K to repair my gear.
Enn: I need to buy some Ethers but I am out.
Melee people: Here ya go *Gives monies.*

So before you say we need a system for this, try playing the game from our perspective. Any party that understands the benefits other classes give them will usually help each other out.

After all, isn't that what a party is for?

Sure newbies might not do it at first, but if you explain to them. "Hey, you get all the drops, and I need money to repair and restock too." Most of the intelligent ones will get it. And if they don't, they get beaten around a few times. Eventually, they learn their lesson.

Remember last version? How people stopped partying with Kimiko when she mugged the mobs and stole from Champs? She stopped doing both of those, and she was welcomed back into parties.

Negative Reinforcement as they say, it works wonders.

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Aries 5:51 PM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)

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does anyone REALLY want to wait 30-60s to claim that warped small dagger of ease?

Fixed. And those go for a good few thousand for the novelty value alone.

On-topic now: If someone gets something, it's because they were there first. If I get something I can't use or don't want, I sell it to someone or give it away. It doesn't hurt to ask if you can have or trade for one of the drops.

Also, if you all want something, roll for it. Guy wont hand it over? Boot him out the party if he's not playing fair. Or do what we did at EE's, take turns on the drops.

Censorshit is a bitch.
Cea 7:56 PM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)

Group: Not a Stupid Title
Posts: 850
Total: 1990
"or take turn on the drops"

Which is exactly what I was suggesting be put in...

A good player knows how to play his class. An elitist knows how to play everyone else's class.
Exophus 8:51 PM on July 07, 2009 (+0/-0)
I think Gaku might've confused what Cea suggested with an automatic roll system like in WoW? If he didn't then I don't see how it would make people wait 30s-60s to get an item..

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